Friday, November 2, 2012

Email Extractor. How to extract emails from forums, blogs, websites?

I am going to write a post about email extractor tool. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs and forums. Do you know how to harvest their contact information such as emails from forums and blogs ? You can search them manually by using Google, Yahoo, Bing or let this work do to email extractor.

Email extractor application is useful if you have to contact people and make advertisement campaigns. One of the easiest ways to say about your products is to contact people directly by email address, phone. Email extractor may harvest email addresses on websites like forum, blog, Facebook, Twitter or any other website where you think your customers are hanging on.

They all have emails. It happens that people leave contact information on websites. Imagine the situation: you have useful product and nobody knows about it. How to reach your audience/customers? You have to advertise it somehow. Sometimes you don't know sites you need to scan for emails but you know some keywords describing your customers. All you need to do is to type keywords in the in application and press start button inside email extractor.

You can find all email addresses scan all files on your disk and extract. Sometimes you don't know where your customers hang on but you might have some keywords which describe your business. Use these keywords in email extractor and it will find all of them in search engine like google and then extract emails from all of them. Email extractor can also take out emails from mail boxes, files , and so on.

Sometimes you don't need to scan the whole site for emails . Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you. Have you ever investigated where your potential customers fritter time away on internet ? they are are on websites such as forums and blogs. Extract emails from sites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to scan and extract email addresses.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A unique case - A man spent two months under the snow

Swedish police have rescued a man who spent two months in the snow piled high with car.
A man aged about 45 years, got trapped in the snow, presumably, in November-December 2011. His car was found in the woods near the town of UmeƄ. Since mid-December hostage disaster ate only snow and suffered from the cold - the temperature at this time closer to the mark of 30 degrees below zero.
They found a man by chance is not snow-covered part of the car the driver noticed a snowmobile. He cleared the car window, he saw that the inside is a man, and went to the police. When the guards arrived at the scene, they found the car a man lying in a sleeping bag. He was exhausted, barely able to move and speak, but, nevertheless, was still alive.

The rescued man was admitted to hospital - is expected to soon be able to give details about themselves and about the history of his captivity. It remains unclear how his car came under a snowdrift, and why he could not get out of it.

Doctors have already declared this event unique: it is not able to survive without food for more than two or three weeks.